Thursday, December 5, 2013

St. Nicholas Clearly Wants Me to Go to Target

My family has celebrated St. Nicholas Day for as long as I can remember. I come from a strong German Catholic heritage, and it's just one of several fun family traditions that I learned from my parents. Even though I no longer consider myself to be a Catholic, I still hold onto these traditions with a tight grasp, and I hope my kids will do the same for their own children one day.

Instead of Santa filling our stockings on Christmas Eve, St. Nicholas fills them for us on 12/6. This is a blessing and a curse. Blessing: It's really fun to wake up on 12/6, even if it's a school day, and find some cool treats. Curse: It means digging through the Christmas decorations early to find the stockings. Extra bonus curse: sometimes (ahem, today) it's really hard to find those stockings, and it's difficult to remember if I had stashed them in a really safe place, or if I possibly (probably) may have thrown them out because we had mice in the basement last summer and some of the Christmas decorations fell victim to the little rodents.

Natalie was REALLY concerned about this last night. She helped Phil dig through the storage room, an attempt that was made in vain. When I woke up this morning, I found this taped to my computer screen:

Considering that the original stockings are still MIA, I think I need to make a trip to Target (which just happens to be my favorite store of all time). In fact, I got a 20% off purchase of $100 or more coupon in the mail yesterday, too. Missing stockings plus note from child plus awesome coupon? It's like the universe is VIOLENTLY SHOVING ME to the nearest Target! It simply cannot be helped.

I am doing it for the kids, after all.


  1. I remember when Hallie was born someone telling me about St. Nicholas day. But they were of Dutch heritage and they put out shoes. I think St. Nick wants you to buy shoes as well. I mean, as long as you have to spend $100 to get 20% off you might as well get new shoes. All that selflessness for the kids = mama deserves a reward.

  2. Julius needs to do a better job of protecting your stockings from mice. Or maybe not. You need that excuse for Target, right?
